Okay! *rubs palms together, spit on both palms then rub together again and then crack my neck, back and of cos my fingers* (Fine. So I didn't do the spit part) Anyways, updates for the past two days yeah? Shit man. Is this becoming a habit or what? (:
Friday, went back to school for Bio. It was alright. Then caught Sky High with Naz at Lido! Why? Well, cos we're all Brains, Brawn and Beyond of cos! DUH!! ;D It was surprisingly pretty good you know. New hottie alert! :DD I've seen him before. But WHERE?! On my bed perhaps. :D But really. I HAVE seen him before! What movie ah?

Told you he was hot. He has the whole dangerous-bad-boy thing going on. Check out that smoldering stare. What I can't even begin to comprehend, is how this guy *points to the pic* is actually really this guy *points to the pic at the bottom*
Super different yeah? Man. BUT. I wasn't that disappointed. :D He has it totally rocking great for him lah! The bad-boy-dangerous thing looks good for him. But so does the clean-shaven-hunky-surfer-dude-ish-I'm popular-you're-not, or rather I'm famous-you're-not look! Don't we girls just LOVE guys who are versatile?
And actually, it's rather considerate of them too. I mean if we DO get sick of his attitude, he can just swap from one personality to the other *hopefully* just like how he can swap both looks and try to win us over, again may I add, cos.. well yeah! Haha. No no. *Shakes head points forefinger at you* It's called a joke hun. (: (well, with some truth in it I suppose)
Cute. (: Him, I mean. Well, if he can do that, I mean. As in swap the personalities. (:
That aside. Yesterday. Now that was a huge shock. Back to that later.
Okay, so then Kakak Idayu and her fam came around 11.30 ish. Ilhan was SO freaking cute! :D He was wearing JEANS with a long-sleeved stripped shirt, folded to the elbows plus a cute orange t shirt over it! And he's ONLY 1 year plus! Man, he's gonna be a snazzy dresser when he grows up. My cousin will make sure of that! Haha.
Mirza was being a typical kid, all irritating yet cute at the same time. Like all other 6 year olds. (: He only salam-ed my mum to get his green packet!! Oh come on. Like YOU never put up some act just to get the cash! At least I know I did! Hey! I admitted! (:
Okay, so the rest of the day was blahblah boring. Went to my Aunt's place all the way at JURONG. Car ride was so long! Thought we were going to Malaysia or something. Anyway, there's this kenduri there. Cos one of my cousins, is going back to Bahrin, or Egypt or Saudi or somewhere.. to further his studies. Yes, he goes to a madrasah. So yeah. Like what my Maklong said, killing two birds with one stone. Visiting as well as kenduri-ing.
(By now I think those of you who aren't Malays are lost! Heh. Sorry.)
Got there and to my UTTER shock, my aunt was telling my mum that Zaini was lost and so Rudi, my cousin was gonna go fetch them from the carpark or something.
When I heard that, I just went ^%#%@# for a good 5 minutes straight. I kept nudging, more like toedging? Since I was using my feet. Anyway, so I was toedging my mum. She kept giving me the "Come on lah. It's nothing! No sweat!" look. Cos obviously she can't tell me what she really wants to say cos my aunt was on a roll and would only wanna know more than she should, should my mother actually did that. So yeah. SIGH.
Zaini, is my mum's sister's husband's brother. And my mum's sister's husband's brother's son.....
Well, if you're close enough to me, then you'll know the whole story. If you're not, then too bad. You're just gonna get frustrated by the end of this post. Sorry guys.
Okay, so then my nerves were a complete jumble, though I know it's incredibly lame since it's so fucking long ago and all. But well, yeah. It's the sort of thing you'd bound to remember for life, you know?
So there I was minding my own business when suddenly he appears out of nowhere. With the entire dysfunctional, whacked till it can't get whacker, but did, Brady Bunch. Just not the slightest bit funny. At all.
Was I jumping for joy cos Nick Carter decided to be my date cos apparently he needed me to hear from him that he REALLY didn't beat Paris although I know that he didn't at all cos that bitch (but I still love her) just wants to get EXTRA attention, not that she's not getting enough already, probably because she wants to get sympathy votes cos she's trying to get everyone to believe that SHE was the victim in the paris-nicole break out when really, EVERYONE already knows that it's HER or WHAT.
Sadly, it's a WHAT. SIGH.
I dont know lah. It's just so fucking weird! Not to mention awkward. It's just weird. Enough about that episode already. I'd just bore you cluelesss freaks to death, now won't I? (:
Anyway, met up with all my cousins!! Hell, did I miss them. As in miss us all meeting in this big gang. (: We took huge family pics with a camera phone. Make that 3 camera phones! Wth right? No one thought of bringing a camera so yeah. If ever the pic's blown up, we'd probably be all pixelated! My goodness. But it was still fun and nice all the same.
Emi, (his name is really Fililmy, pronounced Fill-ail-me) changed so much! I told him that "[you] changed so much like no shit!". He probed further wanting to know WHAT exactly changed. Of cos, i can't out my finger on it, other than the hair cos I know it's not just the hair.
Being the usual him, he went up to my grandmother and went "Nek, Emi sekarang lain eh?" and stuff. PLUS he went around asking my aunts and even my grandfather. SHEESHNESS.
His hair! CHANGED A LOT. Okay, so he does change his hairstyle completely every single year. But still! This time around, he sports the shaggy rocker-dude-but-still-sane do. And so now he REALLY looks like Tyson! Of The All American Rejects!!

Apparently, the front man of The All American Rejects looks like Tom-so-so-hot Welling!! See?

But, no, Emi doesn't look like Tom Welling at all. And that's a GOOD thing. You can't be falling for your own cousin right?!?!?
See yah later guys.