Feasting time! Pictures! Yes, I know. FINALLY. Now, I shall tell you the story of the day of the LIME Sonic Bang thing. Getting utterly boring describing events, but hey! It's not as if you didn't come here to read about me, anyways! (:
We, being me, Niz, Mar and Mud, (Hmm. The 3 lettered folks), decided that attending to the stomach was of more importance than being there early to get good seats. Though it's free standing, but you'll know what I mean later.
On our way to Taka, we came across this old man who was doing some hula-hoop stunt, only using this HUGE beady necklace around his neck. It was quite freaky lah. And so incredibly poor thing. I mean, the guy's so old! And to have to resort to such things! Being the kind people that we are, Niz and I donated some cash. But it was quite impressive, too? Okay. SHUT UP HUDA.
Went into Taka, and we were greeted by this BIG Christmas tree. It was right smack in the middle of the 1st floor. Damn, it was so pretty!

Mud was in this really weird position ala playing Twister when he took that (points to previous pic) shot. Since, he was the only guy there, we got him to kiss BALLS! (Okay, actually no, it's not cos he's the only guy dominated by 3 girls. Man, that sounded wrong! But it's....... just because.)

Okay, fine. So it's just ONE ball. And he didn't really kiss it even! Gah! No fun one! So we went on to the huge food place and snacked on some rather good snacks. Then Najib came and so we headed to that free space near Youth Park/ behind Cine, where the thing's held.
We were EARLY! So the girls looked around the flea market, where it really IS a flea market flea market! Meaning, sort of garage-sale-ish, meaning cool second hand stuff! BUT, too bad I'm broke. Hah. So yeah. Lucky me.
Niz on the other hand, bought this super nice black shirt frm Mango at only 10 bucks! It looks brand new btw. The best part? I, here was the one that helped her rummage through that box of $10 goodies! Sigh. What to do. I'm amazing. (:
After walking around some more, we met up with the boys and headed on to find a good spot to watch the concert.
To our dismay, we saw this whole CHUNK of people already sitting down RIGHT IN FRONT of the stage! So fine, perhaps we came too late. Or maybe they camped overnight just to get the good view! *gasps* (Sarcasm here, if you didnt manage to grasp that.)
We realised they were groupies! (Except. I highly doubt they have sex with their idol(s) cos it's just..... Well, it's Singapore! Nothing further, your honour. I rest my case.) They were Kelly fans, she's one of the Project Superstar contestants, from what I've gathered, COMPLETE with the standardized tshirt.
So alright, then.
So then, Daniel Ong comes on, the host, (big shocker there!) and they still remained seated. He tried to get then to bloody stand up, but nope, of COURSE they didnt listen. So Dan thought, Okay. So maybe they dont like me, being the insecure DJ that he is.
The first act comes on, this group of girls/guys dancing with really cool steps. Attack of the micro minis, of course. Did they stand up? Oh hell no.
Urgh. They are so friggin' inconsiderate okay! I mean, yah. So you came for your friggin' idol and what not. BUT STILL. At least show some courtesy to the other acts! JEEZ. Some people really tick me off. Presenting, the tickoffers.

We were giving them shit cold stares and the occasional push where we go "Hello. They should just stand up you know. But they ARE a bunch of inconsiderate people." and stuff hinting for them to stand up cos it's just so bloody rude! Did they listen? Why don't you make a guess.
In fact, when we keep on shooting remarks, their reaction was SO disappointing. They just returned killer stares OR they pretended they didnt hear anything but that's just bullshit cos I made sure they heard me. Conclusion? Either, one, their butts were glued to the ground, two, their butts are really THAT heavy or three, they are just inconsiderate people. My bet? The latter.
Oh, even the Junyang or whoever, his supporters remained seated too. Hmm. What you trying to show huh? That their fans are just a bunch of people who disregard courtesy just cos THEY LOVE YOU SO MUCH they cant bear to waste their energy to stand up.
What a nice image they paint, I'm sure.
The thing is, I'm really, so very appalled by the way they behaved! I mean, seriously! If BSB were to perform, and their opening act is like, maybe Leslie Carter, Nick's sister who's shot at the music industry really sucked, and I doubt any of you has heard of her before, cos even I've never heard any of her songs before, or maybe even Howie's sister, Penelope, who shared the same fate as Leslie, I'd still stand up for either one fo them. I mean, if the arrangements were like the LIME thing.
UGH. Just recalling the whole thing makes me so peeved. Enough about inconsiderate shitheads already. The entire time I took to write about them, I've rolled my eyes a good too many times, I'm surprised they didnt get stuck when I was at halfroll.
The concert was pretty alright I guess. There was this band, The Observatory, that makes DEATH music. I swear, their music either reminds you of funerals, or the kind of music that makes you think of flashbacks of your entire life, cos you know what. You're about to die any second now. It's just... death music.
Ronin, was pretty good. The lead sure knows how to entertain. I CANNOT believe he went down to hug that bunch of uh, huge minahs with horrible makeup and weird messy pigtails which was meant to give the "cute" result, only it turned out to be without the adorable part. Just ugly. =/
But yes. He's a good entertainer. They sang Sweet child of Mine y'know! And one more song by Guns 'n' Roses, if I'm not mistaken. Electrico finally came on! Amanda's outfit, to me, was rather odd. But the others thought it was cute, so fine. BUT IT'S STILL WEIRD.
I kind of like the lead of Electrico, what's his name? I think he's a good performer too. All hot and sweaty! HAHA.
OH YEAH! We also saw Shan and Jeff from Eye for a Guy! I didn't even catch the series except for the last episode, and even then, I didnt quite enjoy it. I still think that Shan's a HORRIBLE DJ, and he was one of the major factors that made me give up all hopes on Perfect Ten and pushed me to convert to a 1/4 time Power 98 and 3/4 time Class 95 listener.
And Jeff? Heck, I wasnt even sure if that was his name lah! Najib, of all people confirmed it for us. I mean, yeah, we recognized him. But can you imagine, if we called him the WRONG name?! Paiseh, paiseh, paiseh like no shit! So yes. We weren't huge fans of them, or anything.
But hey, they're pretty cute. :D

We took with Shan first, then went back, then finally decided to take with Jeff too. I swear Mariam is such an idiot for not helping me get out of the mud! Just cos I wasnt wearing sneaks, like HER, she had to be such a cow. As usual. (: BUT THEN!
Jeff caught my arm as I was about to leave and suddenly went "Your name?" Freak lah. I was surprised. Thank god my mouth was still functioning. "Huda. My name's Huda.". "Hi Huda. I'm Jeff". (I was so tempted to go "Yeah, I know. Duh. I wouldnt have approached you if I didnt know who you are" but then, I wasnt too sure what his name was in the first place. -.-")
Cos I was suddenly reminded of the fugly blisters-turned-peely-thingys on my right palm! SIGH. Bummer of the day man. GRRRRR!!
But yes, LIME was right. The Casanova, he is. (:
After Electrico, the guys went off. They were weird lah. You see, they were supposed to go home around 8, 8.30 to catch a football match. But they decided to stay on. And whenever Mud receives an SMS from God knows who, the two would suddenly go "YES! High 5 man! YEAH!". Cos the team they were rooting for just scored. Sheesh. BOYS. *shakes head*
Soon after, Niz and I decided to leave for dinner too. Mar stayed on with her friends who happened to be there as well. We went to BK for a late no-good dinner! Ronin was there, and so was Dapne! Haha. Oh, have I mentioned that I was shocked by her performance? No? Well, yeah. I was. Firstly, her outfit was Fwoah! Secondly, she sang Britney's Overprotected. And Thirdly, she freaking DANCED to that song too! Say wow people. WOWZERS. @.@ (Is that even the right smiley? I'm not even sure, but nvm.)
HRMPH. About our dinner. BK was jampacked. Obviously, since there's a big event just outside Cine. Strangely, BK has a number of tables meant for six and fewer meant for fours and twos. Since there was no where else, we sat on the six seater.
Dont shoot me yet since I was going on and on and on about inconsiderate people. I did separate a table as far as we could, so a pair could seat there without feeling awkward. But, the BK person just pushed it right back. I was like "But there's only 2 of us here." The guy was like "Nvm. Nvm. Too squeezy."
I suppose he had a point cos just a wee bit tiny push and there'd be no pathway, not that that pathway was even THAT existent in the first place.
So then, there came this family of three. The mom's Indian, the dad's Caucasion and their teenage daughter. I doubt they're Singaporeans form their accent and well, they're accent.
There was no where else to seat. The father was buying the food, the mother, who's using a walking stick btw, was standing with her daughter right beside our table. Mother, here, was complaining about how INCONSIDERATE the "kids" (teenagers hanging around in BK) were.
WHY? Cos they were taking their own sweet time eating their remaining fries and finishing their drinks while chatting away with their friends.
And then, I offered to part the table again. Mother shot me a look that probably meant "Oh like that's of much use", which kind of bothered me. But Niz and I were in the middle of an interesting conversation so I was WTH-ing her in my mind while shooting Niz a look that was meant to be "What's HER problem!? Annoying crap."
But I bet Niz was confused as hell, cos she didnt see the mother giving me the look in the first place. Dang, I just LOVE the way females shoot looks around expecting the receiver to know exactly what it means, despite the ZERO vocal part of communication. SIGH. (Sarcasm here too, btw.)
Then, the father here came along to join them. They continued their "Kids here are so..... blahblahblah" conversation, even pulling aside a BK staff to question how come the "kids" are allowed to linger here even though they've basically finished their meal. Except for the fries and drinks so it means they've NOT finished their meals! GAH!
I was in the midst of thinking Man. Poor guy. Attacked for no reason. when they plonked beside us. Obviously they were hinting us to move in and CRAM into the 2 seater table while they enjoy and extra seat.
Of course I didnt move in! URGH!
1. YOU ARE RUDE. I will only reciprocate with regards of how you act.
2. Just because you are using a walking stick, it doesnt mean you get to push people around as and when you feel like it.
3. Since you're so "disturbed" by the "kids" why dont you just pack up your food and head for the door?!
4. If you want such FANTASTIC service, dont go to fast food restaurants! But heck, you're so in the wrong country if you want top notch customer service.
5. It's at NIGHT. It's a hangout cum eating place for young people. There's an EVENT outside. Do the math.
GOD. Sometimes, I really hate it when UPPITY people go about making a big deal out of everything. Oh and you know what. 5 minutes later, this group seating on a 6seater left but unlike THEM, this group of girls who WAITED PATIENTLY for seats, got what they wanted.
We had to suffer listening on to their conversations, cos we were in no position to have a conversation between us cos it was so CLOSE and well, I hate having conversations with people listening on for no darn reason. I mean, that's the same for most of us right?
So yes. We decided to PERSEVERE on and munch as SLOWLY as possible. They left first. HAH! We win! Okay, I know. Immature and petty and stupid. But whatever. In true Clara style: We're young and stupid and so we do stupid things. (:
Took the train home. After much comtemplation, cos she has work the next day as well as her teacher's wedding to attend, she decided to sleepover! YAY.
So yep. Washed up and we immediately hit the sack! Cos well, tired lah!
My goodness. I am so long winded and naggy! Yuck. Oh yeah. I woke up at 7.10 today to catch Bring It On Again and How To Deal on HBO. The first movie kindda sucked. But the second one rocked! I still remember, back in Sec 1 how many times I wanted to catch it, but ended up watching another movie. I like Mandy Moore. And I liked it when she was with Andy Roddick too! SIGH.

Okay then. See ya. Ciao babes!(:

Me and Niz, Najib and Mud. I want to play more pool!!!!!!!!!! Oh and the change of skin is cos i'm quite sick of it already. It's been since what? JULY?! So yes. Even though it's simple shit, it still beats mediorcrity. Which is a complete irony cos the now skin is like SUPER mediocre as compared to mine, previously. HAHA. Okay. Nvm.