Equality/fairness can only stretch so much
Today's been relatively alright.
Discovered this last night. Did you know I was tagged by Mr Miyagi 48 days ago! HAHAHA. So it may be a chance thing. But still. It's cool okay. HERE
Too bad I didn't happen to read it in time to do that meme.
I have been jumping ship, back and forth too often already, it's making me sea sick. Whoa. *stumbles; dizzy*
I need to focus, cos all that talk is making me really sick cos it's just wrong. I'm sorry. Call me narrow (for once, ya), but that's just not the way things shoud go. But it is. ):
Okay, brother grumbling overdose. Till next time.
8:24 PM
thats how I go to read your blog Huda !
ohh. okay. haha. reveal who you are, then?
just another insignificant bloke in Queenstown... taking comfort in obscurity and confident in his privacy !!
oooh. queenstown. interesting.
what is interesting about Queenstown... may I ask ?
well, the fact that i have an "anonymous" is intersting enough. (hope that doesn't come across weird/desperate) but the fact that it's from ANOTHER country, continent even, is way cool. HAHAH. (:
how about queenstown next to common wealth?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. CHEY! omg wth. WHAT. THE. HELL. hahaha. that's plain hilarious lah, my god.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Keep up the good work. thnx!
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